Or I got fired. I’m not sure. Either way it was time. No one is really in Green Jelly. Bill Manspeaker is in Green Jelly. It’s Bill and simps from all over the world who work for free under the guise of Bill providing actuality to their rock star dreams. I’m still a fan of…
Hey guys. So in 2023 I vowed to get into better shape. And I did. The first two months was strict carnivore. I went from 250 to 220. In March 2023 I started the gym. I also loosened up a little on the diet. But between the gym and a moderately healthy lifestyle I managed…
The year everything changed. I turned 50. I discovered my own mortality. Time is more precious. I’ve started a carnivore channel on Youtube. It’s for no other reason than to keep me accountable. I look disgusting and I bare it all. No filters (not that I would know what to do with them. No fancy…